How to detect function's type by hand


This exercise is on book《Functional Programming Using F#》.

Exercise 4.18

let rec f g = function
| [] -> [] 
| x::xs -> g x :: f (fun y -> g(g y)) xs;;
//Find the type for f and explain the value of the expression:
f g [x0; x1; x2; . . . ; xn1]
  1. From let rec f g = function, we can not make sure anything about f and g.

    f: ??->??

  2. According to the []->[], it is clear that the result of f is a type of list, but we can not deduce which type it is. And the input of f is also a list. We could guess that g is an argument whose type is a list(It is wrong after reading the next line). For we can not deduce the concrete type so here we set it as an abstract type : 'a

    f: ‘a list -> ‘a list

  3. The pattern x::xs ensures our deduce of the input of f is a list. But then we find the usage of g x. So we get an error deduce that g is an argument of list– actually g is a function here. So there is an additional parameter _arg which is a list.

    f: g:(??->??)->_arg: ‘a list -> ‘a list

    Then with f (fun y -> g(g y)) xs , we could ensure that f is a function with two parameters: (fun y -> g(g y)) (g) and xs(_arg). And with g(g y)) ,we could determine that the input and result of g is the same.

    f: g:(‘a ->’a )->_arg: ‘a list -> ‘a list